We Went Snorkeling in Alaska. Crazy? Maybe. Thrilling? Definitely!

You want me to go out into those chilly Alaskan waters, huh?


Did I ever tell you about that day we went snorkeling in Alaska?

“Say what?!”

That's what I thought, too, when Colleen suggested we give it a try on our first trip to the wilderness wonderland. 

I expected to see a lot of interesting wildlife in Alaska, but I was thinking more about bears and moose and whales (from the comfort of a boat) and bison, etc. Plus, "Isn't that water going to be a little bit too cold?" I asked the wife.

Colleen holds a sea star. We saw interesting underwater creatures that boasted vibrant colors and bizarre shapes.

Well, we will be wearing a wetsuit, she told me. This was our first cruise to Alaska, and on our first port stop — in Ketchikan — we jumped into those chilly waters with a company called Snorkel Alaska for a seemingly wacky adventure.

We snorkeled in September. The water was cold and filled with mesmerizing vegetation like this golden ribbon kelp.

Turns out, it was a fantastic time. We saw a range of interesting creatures in the clear and brisk waters of the inside passage of Ketchikan, in an area known as Mountain Point, and we got hot chocolate afterward! 

A sea cucumber.

Our first duty was to suit up in the locker facility and check-in building of Snorkel Alaska. This was quite a scene, with everyone in our group of 12 people squeezing themselves into the wetsuits. There is very little dignity in the process of contorting yourself into your sausage casing in front of a bunch of strangers — men and women got dressed in separate locker areas, by the way.

A beautiful purple sea star.

The wetsuits made the 50-degree waters tolerable, as the initial rush of cold water enters the suits but is quickly warmed by your body and provides an insulated environment. We were covered head to toe, with only our faces exposed for breathing.

While exploring the waters, I looked up and saw these majestic bald eagles.

It was a different kind of adventure, for sure. It's awesome to tell people about that time you went snorkeling in Alaska and watch them curl up their faces in confused expressions before exclaiming "What?! You can do that?"

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Thanks for reading,



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